[INFOGRAPHIC] 6 Ways To Make Customers Fall In Love With Your Brand

[INFOGRAPHIC] 6 Ways To Make Customers Fall In Love With Your Brand

Have you ever wondered why some brands have a cult like following, while others struggle to get any recognition?

Well, here are six ways to dramatically improve your chances of becoming a sought after, loveable brand. While some of the statistics we uncovered were expected, others really gave us a shock. For example, did you know adding a testimonial to your website could increase sales by up to 250%? – This happened to one of our customers


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Fast, hard-hitting tweets to engage your followers.

More than 90% of buying decisions are influenced by visual factors.

73% of customers love a brand cause of friendly customer service.

70% of customers prefer getting to know a company via articles rather than ads.

Customer loyalty can be worth 10 times as much as a single purchase.

Adding testimonials to your website can increase sales by up to 250%.